The Top Must-Have Leadership Skills for Successfully Leading a Digital Business

In today’s connected & constantly evolving business landscape, the role of a leader has become more crucial than ever before. Strong leadership skills are essential for navigating the ever-changing tides of success. Understanding and possessing the right set of qualities can make all the difference in effectively leading a digital business to new heights.


The rise of technology and its integration into every aspect of our business has resulted in a highly competitive marketplace where organizations must adapt quickly or risk being left behind. In this environment, it is not enough for leaders to simply possess traditional management skills; they must also have a clear understanding of how technology can be leveraged to drive growth and innovation.


One of the most significant ways in which technology has impacted businesses is by breaking down geographic barriers and enabling global connectivity. This means that leaders must be able to manage diverse teams across different time zones and cultural backgrounds while ensuring effective communication and collaboration. This requires excellent interpersonal skills, as well as an understanding of cultural differences and how to bridge them.


Moreover, with the increasing use of data analytics in decision-making processes, modern leaders need to have a strong grasp of technological tools and platforms. They must be able to analyze large sets of data to identify trends, make informed decisions, and create effective strategies for their digital business.


In addition to technical proficiency, strong leadership is also crucial for creating a culture that embraces change and innovation. In this fast-paced digital era, businesses can no longer afford to stick with outdated practices; they must continuously adapt and evolve to remain relevant. A leader who can inspire their team members to embrace the change!

Overview of the top must-have leadership skills for leading a digital business:

With the rapid advancement of technology, it has become even more imperative for leaders to possess specific skills that are essential for leading a digital business. Here are the top 7 must-have leadership skills that are necessary for effectively leading a digital business:

Adaptability and agility

The ability to adapt and be agile in the ever-changing digital world is one of the most critical leadership skills. Digital businesses operate in a constantly evolving environment, where new technologies emerge, consumer behaviors change, and market trends shift rapidly. Therefore, it is essential for leaders to have the ability to adapt their strategies and approaches accordingly. This means being open-minded, willing to learn new things, and being able to think outside the box. Leaders must also be flexible enough to pivot their plans when needed without hesitation. A leader who can quickly adapt to these changes and make strategic decisions will lead their team toward success.


Strategic thinking & problem-solving

Strategic thinking and problem-solving are two essential skills that digital leaders must have to navigate through complex challenges and make data-driven decisions. They need to have a clear vision of where they want their business to go and develop effective strategies to achieve those goals while staying ahead of their competitors. Additionally, leaders must have strong analytical skills to make data-driven decisions in this data-rich era. They need to be able to interpret complex data sets from multiple sources and use them for strategic planning and decision-making.
So what exactly do we mean by strategic thinking? It involves the ability to envision the bigger picture and see beyond immediate situations. A strategic thinker understands how all the pieces of a puzzle fit together and can anticipate potential challenges or opportunities. They are proactive rather than reactive, always looking for ways to improve processes and achieve long-term goals.


Digital literacy

Having knowledge of emerging technologies and understanding how they impact the industry is crucial for leading a digital business. With technology constantly evolving and becoming increasingly integrated into every aspect of business operations, leaders need to have a strong understanding of the latest tools and platforms in order to effectively lead their teams.


Data analysis

Data plays an integral role in driving business growth in the digital era. It is necessary for leaders to have the know-how to analyze data from various sources such as social media analytics, customer feedback, website traffic patterns, etc., to make informed decisions about marketing strategies.


Communication and collaboration skills

Communication and collaboration are two key skills that every effective leader needs to possess in order to successfully lead a digital business. Effective communication skills are essential when it comes to technological proficiency as they allow leaders to clearly articulate & convey technical concepts or ideas with team members who may not have a background in technology. Being able to bridge this gap between technical jargon and non-technical team members can help improve efficiency and collaboration. As in a digital business setting, where teams are not geographically present and working remotely, strong communication skills become even more important. Leaders must be able to adapt their communication style according to the needs of different individuals and utilize various tools such as email, video conferencing, and project management software to stay connected with their team.
Collaboration is another essential skill for leading a digital business successfully. With teams working from different locations or time zones, it is imperative for leaders to create an environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration among remote workers. This can be achieved through regular check-ins with each team member, establishing clear roles and responsibilities, setting up virtual brainstorming sessions and utilizing collaborative tools such as shared documents or project management software.


Cybersecurity Awareness
In the digital realm, cybersecurity is a top concern. Leaders must be aware of the latest cyber threats and take proactive measures to protect their business and customer data. A breach can have severe consequences, both financially and reputationally.


Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is essential for building strong relationships within the team and with customers. Leaders should be empathetic, understanding, and capable of resolving conflicts constructively. It’s crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment.


Leading a digital business requires a unique skill set that combines traditional leadership qualities with an understanding of the digital landscape. Embracing technology, fostering a collaborative culture, adapting to change, and making data-driven decisions are just a few of the essential skills for digital leaders. By developing these skills, aspiring leaders can navigate the digital business landscape successfully.

Physical & Cloud #DataProtection: Best Practices for your #Backup and #RecoveryProcess

Data, one of the most valuable assets of organisations. Massive data is the new currency. Thanks to advancements in technology and connectivity, data creation is skyrocketing. According to IDC, Global DataSphere Forecast, 2021-2025, the global data creation and replication will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23% over the forecast period, leaping to 181 zettabytes in 2025. That’s up from 64.2 zettabytes of data in 2020 which, in turn, is a tenfold increase from the 6.5 zettabytes in 2012. These data are stored in ever-increasing environments and connected devices, therefore backup and restoring the capability of an information system is a real challenge to ensure business continuity and the availability of associated data.

Volume of data created and replicated worldwide

What must IT departments do to fulfill the data security mission? Well, the data security policy is at the heart of each business concern and should be a fundamental part of their security strategy. Planned security measures can then create tactical and operational rules through the joint efforts of security and storage teams. To this end, storage must be an integral part of the company’s security strategy.


To achieve these objectives, a company must establish a cluster around the following five essential aspects:
• Allocation of responsibilities;
• Risk Assessment;
• Development of a data protection procedure;
• Communication of data protection procedure;
• Execution and testing of the data protection procedure.


  1. Allocation of responsibilities

The goal is to make storage security a fully-fledged feature of the IT security architecture. Even if the company decides that the responsibility for backup or storage security rests within the storage team, it must nevertheless integrate any safety measures in this area with task to secure the rest of the infrastructure. This integration will contribute to the establishment of in-depth protection. It is also advisable to share responsibility for extremely sensitive data. It’s, therefore, better to ensure that the person authorizing access is not the same as the person responsible for enforcement.


  1. Assessment of storage risks in the area of ​​IT security

#Managers must review each step of their backup methodology to identify security vulnerabilities. Can an administrator secretly make copies of backup tapes? Are they stored in boxes accessible to everyone? Is there a rigorous end-to-end monitoring chain for backup tapes? If critical data is backed up and transported, vulnerabilities of this nature could make it easy prey. If the risk analysis reveals many vulnerabilities, the company must seriously question the encryption of its data.


  1. Development of an information protection program that guarantees the security of company data, at all times, wherever they are

Multi-level protection should be adopted by taking existing best practices for the data network in order to apply to the storage network, while adding specific layers adapted to the characteristics of the archived data, for example:

  • Authentication: application of multi-level authentication techniques and anti-spoofing (anti-identity or address spoofing).
    • Authorizations: access rights according to roles and responsibilities (as opposed to total administrative access).

It is imperative to duplicate backup tapes because it is never good to depend on a single copy of the data. Despite the longevity of the bands, they are still exposed to environmental and physical damage. A common practice is to perform nightly backups and then store these off-site tapes without any verification. Recommended best practices include duplicating backup tapes and then storing offsite copies.

Magnetic tapes remain the preferred storage mode for backups because they are economical and offer sufficient capacity to back up an entire operating system on a single cartridge. When stored properly, archival tapes have a lifetime of more than 30 years, making them an exceptionally reliable storage medium.


  1. Communication of the procedure to be applied with regard to the protection and security of information

Once the procedure for protecting and manipulating sensitive data has been defined, it is important to ensure that those responsible for their safety are informed and trained. Safety rules are the most important aspect of assigning responsibilities. Functional managers need to be aware of risks, countermeasures, and costs.

Data loss and intellectual property theft affect the entire enterprise, not just the IT department. As such, the Director of Security must undertake a data security approach by training the different functional frameworks in the risks, threats and potential harms arising from security breaches, as well as the cost of the various possible countermeasures in this area. In this way, company executives can raise awareness about the cost/benefit of investments in data security.


  1. Implementation and testing of Data Protection and Security Plan

Securing data is not about technology but about the procedure. This is why it is essential to test the procedure. In addition, as the growth of the company is accompanied by an evolution in security and data protection needs, IT security practices must also evolve. Once the complete security plan has been developed, defined, and communicated to the concerned team, only then it’s the right time to implement it. IT team must ensure the implementation of the tools, technologies, and methodologies necessary for the classification of information. New technologies may be required to classify information or label it with metadata so that it is backed up according to appropriate rules and procedures.

Once in place, the procedure must be tested, both concerning backup and restore. The test is to introduce, into the process, any possible and imaginable danger, whether it is the loss of a tape or a server, network problems, equipment or filing of data or any other scenario which could affect the company’s performance.

It is advisable to carry out tests with personnel who are less familiar with the procedure, to ensure that it can nevertheless be applied without difficulty in the absence of the usual supervisor (due to illness, holidays or departure).

Top Strategies to Improve and Increase Data Quality

Top Strategies to Improve and Increase Data Quality


Organizations face enormous amount of pressure when it comes to face the issue related to data quality. Businesses can only make the right data-driven decisions if the data they use is correct. Without sufficient data quality, data is practically useless and sometimes even dangerous.


Regardless of whether your data is structured or unstructured or your data is on-premises or in the cloud, it needs to be on top to deliver business value by ensuring that all key initiatives and processes are fueled with relevant, timely and trustworthy data. Because bad data quality not only costs time and money, in the worst case, it even leads to significant revenue losses.


But despite its importance of having data quality, the reality in many of today’s organizations, data quality has been voted among the top three problems for BI software users every year since the first issue of The BI Survey back in 2002.


What is data quality?

Defining data quality depends on the needs of each organizations. It can differ from one business to another. As a poor quality of data, especially of customer data, quickly leads to serious problems, therefore for some organizations, it can be ensuring that customer contact data is up to date so that deliveries are received in a timely manner. For other organizations, it could be filling prospects profiles that can be helpful with marketing segmentation effort. Serval factors are being used to determine the quality of data, such as accuracy, completeness, relevancy, validity, timeliness and consistency.


Here below are few examples to clean up and improve the consistency and reliability of your data:


  • Understand the purpose of your data

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IT department should work with other departments of company to align and acknowledge the problems and negative impact that company can face because of missing or erroneous data. Even though a lot of data today are generated, companies must make a strategy about what data is been collected and for which purpose the gathered data can be used because the collected data should ultimately exist for a business or mission purpose.  For this purpose, they must work to identify incomplete, faulty or multiple existing customer data, because very often, in different departments, different inventory data exists for the same customers. So, paying attention to an error free data can lead to increase data quality.


  • Get a Data Control Supervisor from a Qualified Department

Data Control supervisors play a crucial role in the success of a data quality mission. They come from a specialist department and know how to oversee the development and use of data systems. They can discover efficient ways to organize, store and analyze data with attention to security and confidentiality. He is also responsible for creating and enforcing policies for effective data management, formulating management techniques for quality data collection to ensure adequacy, accuracy and legitimacy of data, devising and implementing efficient and secure procedures for data management and analysis with attention to all technical aspects. His goal is to ensure that information flows timely and securely to and from the organization as well as within.


  • Implement a priority list of undesirable data

Today many companies are using different equipment (IOT) that records vast volumes of sensor data. Unfortunately, not all the gathered data in company is valuable. Therefore, Data Control supervisor must perform quality checks in order to reject undesirable data. To do this, he must be able to respond to following questions: How and by whom was the data generated? Which users are accessing it? For what purposes are they used by which applications? Which costs cause faulty data?


  • Prevent duplicate data

Duplicate data refers to when the same information is somehow input as two separate entries by different people or teams

In the presence of duplicate data, it is very hard to pull out exact results or CRM and Marketing campaigns and can create serious issues when you’re creating automations, looking up buying patterns, or putting together a target audience. So, Data Control supervisors must make sure that company is using a data management software that regularly checks the data for duplicates and cleans it to ensure that their data is clean, has quality, and is reliable to work with.


  • Perform regular checks on your data to uncover anomalies

If you want to understand and ensure your data quality, you have to perform regular checks to see if there’s no “bad-data”. Reviewing your data will help you to understand if the gathered data aim for organisations objectivity. As getting 100% data accuracy is not the final objective, Data Control supervisors must be able to pull-up the insights from the data to it’s main goal. Improving data quality is an ongoing process and it takes time to get it right.

Phishing Attack Awareness: How to train your employees not to fall for any Phishing Attack 


Phishing attacks are one of the most common security challenges that companies are facing to keep their data secure. As there isn’t any cybersecurity solution that can protect a company 100% from attacks, company must train employees to understand how they can work to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks and not get their valuable data stolen.


Phishing costs billions of dollars in lost assets and damaged reputations every year, and the trend shows no signs of decrease. According to Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, built upon analysis of 41,686 security incidents, of which 2,013 were confirmed data breaches, 32% of all cyber attacks involved phishing. That’s certainly an incredible click-through rate which is exactly why these attacks remain so popular and of course financial gain is the most common motive behind these data breaches.


Hackers and data thieves are booming. In the course of the digital transformation, the attack surfaces are getting bigger and the strategies are getting more and more sophisticated. Studies have long shown that human error is a main factor for most cyber breaches, and that some form of phishing trap, it can be via email, web, app, or social network, comprises the first phase of more than 90% of those breaches. In order to counter these human mistakes, many organisations have implemented security awareness programs and train their employees how to identify phishing scams. Here below are tips on how employees recognise phishing emails: 


Companies don’t request your sensitive information via email

If you receive an unsolicited email from your provider with a link or attachment and asks you to provide sensitive information or to download invoices, it’s a scam. Most companies will not send you an email asking for passwords, credit card information, credit scores, or tax numbers, nor will they send you a link from which you need to login.


Look but don’t click

Phishing pro embed malicious links in legitimate-sounding copy. Hover your mouse over any links you find embedded in the body of your email. If the link address looks weird, don’t click on it. If you have any hesitation about the link, forward that email directly to your security team before taking any other initiative from your end.

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Don’t click on attachments

Including malicious attachments that contain viruses and malware is a common phishing tactic. Malware can damage files on your computer, steal your passwords or spy on you without your knowledge. Don’t open any email attachments you aren’t sure about and forward that email directly to your security team before taking any other initiative from your end.

phishing email


Look for email signature and logo

If you look carefully the signature in the mail, you’ll notice that details about the signer or how you can contact the company are missing. It must directly ring a bell that a phishing mail have been sent to you. Legitimate businesses always provide contact details. Check for them!


Double check the mail address if it contains domain emails

Don’t just check the name of the person sending you the email. Check also if their email address containe their domain name aswell. Differentiate the right and wrong address. If you receive a mail from, it would be a correct address but is obviously the wrong one.


Phishing, business email compromise and email account compromise cause hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of losses each year, and this number can decrease if we continue to give employees resources like phishing tests and cybersecurity awareness training to help them not to fall for any Phishing attack and protect the organisation data. 



2019 Data Breach Investigations Report 

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