Covid19 – What is the new normal?

Covid19 - What is the new normal


Today, we are living in a digital era – everything is digital. Additionally, Covid19 impacted the entire world. Online apps and services rapidly became the primary way of engaging with their consumers as businesses had to figure out how to engage, convert, and deliver as much as possible through the new channels. As the enterprise is collecting, holding, and using consumer data to personalize offerings and offer a smooth user experience, consumers want their personal data to be protected.

In order to understand how the consumer’s digital lives have changed, since the start of the pandemic, ForgeRock’s has conducted a consumer survey, The New Normal: Living Life Online, based on 5000 consumers across the US, UK, Germany, Australia, and Singapore. Here below are four key findings:


  • Nearly half of all respondents confirm using more online services even when things return to “normal”.
  • For more than one-third (35%) find the log-in process complicated which leads to canceling their account, while 32% said they would look for another service. It shows that some industries were better at meeting consumers’ needs than others during the pandemic.
  • 65+ are also embracing the new digital lifestyles, with 31% saying they will only shop online when this is all over.
  • Finally, this shift isn’t just among senior citizens. A third of consumers ages 18-24 say they won’t go back to stadiums or theatres, instead, they’ll keep watching sports, concerts, and movies online.

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ForgeRock : The New Normal – Living Life Online


This number shows that the COVID outbreak has led to an increase in digital services use as worldwide consumers are somehow forced to find digital replacements for all those activities they were used to do in person. Many people were new to this digital experience, according to a March 2020 consumer survey, five percent of consumers aged 65 years and above have bought a product online for the first time due to physical distancing and self-quarantining practices. They specially signed up for their online grocery accounts, but plan to switch back to their normal shopping routine as soon as they can.


Registering for an account is the first experience consumers have with a brand. Depending on how the registration process runs, loyalty to the brand can develop – or be destroyed. A smooth registration process can convert consumers for the rapid adoption of apps and online services, which has a huge impact on changing consumer preferences long-term. This shift to online services is creating a huge opportunity for companies to strengthen relationships with their customers if they are capable to meet customers’ primary needs, such as safety, security, and everyday convenience. By delivering digital experiences that help consumers get things done quickly and easily companies can build a foundation of goodwill and long-lasting emotional connections with the communities they serve.


The survey also showed that the banking, retail, and entertainment industries achieved a good ranking for their online user experience. Many consumers will therefore continue to use these services even post-pandemic. In contrast, newer digital channels, such as applications in the government, education, or health sector, were rated poorly. Thus, sectors that want to be successful in the “New Normal” have to deal with the two consumer priorities “data protection” and “user experience” and improve their offerings in these areas.


We can conclude from the result of this survey, organizations that respond to the expectations of modern consumers, are able to deliver products and services in an innovative way, and can communicate with their customers through new channels, have a high probability of preventing their migration to the competition. If they are unable to deliver any of the earlier mentioned services, they need to change and have to define a new digital strategy and roadmap. It is predictable that consumers will spend more time online even after the pandemic. Therefore, providers should now take steps to offer their customers a better user experience and thereby bind them to their online services.





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